Review:For 21 years, fans have waited for a sequel to the 1987 cult classic "The Lost Boys". We kept waiting and waiting and waiting. Finally, on July 29th, we have the long awaited sequel. Sure it's Direct to DVD and sounds more like a remake than a sequel, but we have a freaking Lost Boys sequel! But wait a minute, it sucks! What happened!? Read on.
For one thing, Warner Brothers hates us fans. Instead of giving us the ultimate Lost Boys sequel with a big budget, they hire untalented people who only know how to do cheaply made direct to DVD horror flicks. Does Warner hate us? I think so.
First the story line is a copy of the original film with differences here and there. Basically this is a mix mash of a remake and a sequel. But besides having similar elements as The Lost Boys it did not feel like a Lost Boys movie. It felt like another cheap direct to DVD vampire movie you can find at Blockbuster every week. Even when Edgar Frog was on screen I was going "This isn't Lost Boys". The director and screenwriter claimed to be fans of the first movie but I'm not convinced. It felt like they watched the first movie, took pieces of it and then spat it out on page and screen.
How are the actual Lost Boys in this film? They SUCK, literally! What a bunch of annoying, idiotic goons. No scares from these bunch of wannabes. Despite being bloodsucking fiends, I found the fang gang in the original to be pretty cool. These vamps in this so called sequel were as cool as a popsicle in hell. What about Angus Sutherland (half bro of Kiefer) as the leader of lost boys, Shane? Well he sucked the most. He was so wooden, I was convinced he was a stake. What a boring and uninteresting performance. He doesn't have half the talent his brother does. Not once did this guy created any menace or believable threat. Was he on sleeping pills? Gotta be!
What could have made the film somewhat watchable was the finale, in which Chris Emerson (our male lead) and Edgar Frog go to the vampire nest to kill the rest of the lost boys. But no dice. Screenwriter Hans Rodionoff and Director PJ Pesce instead give us a rushed, half baked and quick finale that is over before it starts. Did these guys even care? Besides one cool moment involving a vampire's head and a holy water balloon, this half sucked the most because of the lack of care for the audience. When Chris battles Shane, you expect a long, brutal fight, right? Not here fright fans! Blink and you'll miss this fight sequence.
Corey Haim returns as Sam Emerson...in a 30 second cameo in the middle of the end credits. Tag to that, Jamison Newlander's return as Alan Frog was cut from the final film. See how much thought was put into this!?
I'm not going to even discuss the horrible use of Cry Little Sister. Ugh.
Anything positive about this? I loved Corey Feldman as Edgar Frog. His voice, costume, dialogue, everything. So cool to see him back in action, Too bad he's underused and in a bad sequel. I also liked Tom Savini's cameo and the gore and vampire make-up were pretty well done.
Tad Hilgenbrink (Chris Emerson) had his ON and OFF moments. He was the least of the film's problems. Autumn Reeser (Nicole Emerson) also had her ON and OFF moments but I let any problems with her go away because she is pretty damn hot. Angus Sutherland (Shane) was boring, uninteresting and hilariously wooden. Corey Feldman (Edgar Frog) was as funny and cool as ever in his small role. The film should have been about him!
There's a reason why Warner Brothers hired PJ Pesce to direct this film and it's because he's cheap and could get a job done quickly. It painfully shows. The film looks like it was made for TV and is flat and unexciting. How I miss Joel Schumacher. He had a great style in the first movie. Pesce has no style.
Music:I don't remember Nathan Barr's score. Sorry. The soundtrack was OK for what it's worth. The remake of Cry Little Sister was decent.
Violence/Gore:This was a violent and bloody little sucker! We get decapitations, impalement, head explosions and more! This one packed a bloody punch.
We get some slight boobage. Will it excite you? Up to you amigo!
In the end:
Did Warner Brothers actually think us fans would like this poor excuse for a sequel? They must think we're stupid. I can't believe I was actually excited for this turd! My recommendation? Skip this and just watch the original.